Wednesday, October 23, 2013

17 Weeks

17 weeks (and 4 days to be exact) or about 4 months now! Almost halfway there..I feel like it is flying by! Baby will be here before we know it-scary! We had a 16 week appointment last week and found out the date for the 20 week, which is when we will find out if the babe is a boy or girl! Counting down the days!!

How I'm feeling: Pretty awesome! I am loving the second trimester so far; sure I get tired and have some serious back aches, but overall I am feeling pretty darn good! I have felt some movement from the baby which is so cool! I always sit really still and wait for it to happen again, but it's usually just a thump here and there. I cannot wait for Tyler to be able to feel it!

Appetite: HUGE! I have gotten such a big appetite this week! I guess baby is really growing a lot in there because I feel like I am constantly hungry! I am loving apples right now, which I guess is a good things since they are in season after all. Trying to stay as healthy as possible, but I just want food constantly! :)

Baby: Baby is the size of a turnip this week. I'm not really sure the size of a turnip-I guess I will have to check it out next time I am grocery shopping. The measurements are about 5 inches long and about 5.9 ounces.

Workouts: I have been working out a few times a week since around 10 weeks (after I got over the terrible virus) . This week I have really made it a goal to workout more consistently, even if it is just walking. I have been to the gym 3x this week already and worked out my arms, legs and shoulders and did a lot of cardio! 

Last weekend I hosted a baby shower at my house for a dear friend of mine! We had such a wonderful time celebrating baby Evans! Cannot wait to hold that sweet baby girl in just a few weeks!

Mommy to be(with her mom):

The Spread:

Small Group Girls

Friday, October 18, 2013

12/13 weeks-2nd doctors appointment!

Almost to the end of the first trimester now! These were exciting weeks! We went to the doctor on September 20th (12 weeks 6 days). We got to hear the heartbeat and see our little baby moving around like crazy. The difference between this ultrasound and the first one was so crazy! The baby has developed so much! We can not wait to find out if we are having a boy or a girl! I got a few things done around the house this week as well-I have noticed that I am really wanting to get everything done lately! I think its a pregnancy thing! I just want every project to be as complete as possible before the baby comes!

I made these curtains for the office(which I have been meaning to do forever)

Also, I finished up the pillows for one of the guest bedrooms downstairs-I had already made the smaller ones, but finished the large navy ones this week.

Over the weekend we headed to Alabama for Tyler to play golf with his dad and brother- I think they had a great time playing at a really nice course.
The weather was beautiful all weekend! We had a great time visiting with family, even though it was a short weekend.
How I'm feeling: Pretty good this week! Only feeling bad if I go too long without getting something to eat! :)

Appetite: Pretty normal, I feel like these two weeks I have turned a corner in the pregnancy and am really starting to feel better and more like myself!

Baby: Baby is the size of a plum week 12 and a peach week 13!



11 Weeks!

Week 11-heading towards the end of the first trimester! We did a lot around the house and got ready for a yard sale this week! We also started a new small group at our church. We are really excited to get to know a new group of married couples!

We cannot wait until next week when we get to see our little peanut again!

Baby is the size of a Lime! Growing quick!

New picture collage in the living room

Present from my sweet friend, Andi!

11 weeks
(we forgot to take a "formal" pic this week)

10 Weeks

FINALLY over the virus this week! Started working out again this week, doing the elliptical, running/walking, stairmaster and light weights! Feeling a little better, still super tired in the afternoons and at night. Tyler says I am "starting to look pregnant!"

How I'm feeling: So thankful to be over the virus! Ready to enjoy this pregnancy a little more, instead of sleeping through it! Feeling pretty good about getting back in the gym and trying to get in a routine again. Excited about celebrating my nephews first birthday this week!

Appetite: Started to get back to normal(a little). Still no cravings or anything, but started to be able to eat like a normal person again! :) The homemade granola with yogurt and fruit is still at the top of the list.   

Baby: Baby is the size of a prune this week!

Best moment this week: Finally over the virus! Starting to be able to get things done again! And finally starting to look pregnant (to me at least)

Week 10 happenings:

Hubby got a new grill!
Macy decided the blanket basket was a great place to get comfy.
Side note: This was hilarious! I was crying laughing!

Starting to get a belly!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

9 Weeks

9 weeks and this nasty virus is still hanging on! I am starting to feel a little better so I hope it is almost over. *fingers crossed* Since I have had the virus I have not been doing my normal workout routine, but hope to get back to it soon. Still letting this whole pregnancy thing sink in. Sometimes it feels like a dream!

How I'm feeling: Still feeling nauseous, very low energy level and tired a lot! Feeling much better in the mornings than the afternoons and nights still. Getting more and more tired as the day goes on.

Appetite: Still no cravings and still making Tyler choose dinner...nothing sounds good still! Also still have not had grilled chicken-the thought of it totally grosses me out. I can eat fried chicken or chicken salad though! Loving homemade granola still and chicken salad from Zoe's and EGGS! Tons of eggs, scrambled for breakfast and hard boiled for snacks.  
Baby: Baby is the size of a green olive this week!

Week 9 pictures:

Dinner for a pregnant lady-rice, hard boiled egg, raw carrots and roasted chickpeas...random?
 Getting read for Carter's 1st birthday party this week!


Monday, October 7, 2013

8 Weeks-First Doctor's Appointment

August 17: the 8 week mark

Our first Doctor's appointment was scheduled for August 22, this felt like waiting an eternity even though it was only about 4 weeks from when we found out. The first appointment was absolutely amazing! We got to hear our little blessing's heart beat and it was truly one of the best things I have ever heard in my life! It was nothing short of amazing! We were 8 weeks and 5 days at the appointment and found out the due date.

How I'm feeling: Still feeling nauseous, lost my voice from the virus(which is still going strong), very low energy level and tired a lot!

Still no cravings and still making Tyler choose dinner...nothing sounds good still! Especially not grilled chicken, which used to be a staple in out home! The few things that sounded good...
1. Homemade Granola with fruit and yogurt
2. Chocolate Milk
3. Fried Zucchini
4. My favorite candy

Baby: Baby is the size of a raspberry this week!

Pregnancy: 6 and 7 weeks

6 Weeks-

We were headed to Huntsville this weekend for Tyler's 10 year high school reunion. So we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to tell his parents! It was so much fun telling them and seeing how excited they were to become grandparents! We were also celebrating my mother in law's birthday because we didn't see her on her actual birthday. We wrote in the card: "Happy Birthday Granna, can't wait to meet you and G-daddy in April 2014!! Love, Baby Dunaway" They were beyond thrilled!

At 6 weeks, hands and feet are beginning to emerge from the developing arms and legs. Eyelid folds are partially covering the eyes and baby now has an appendix and a pancreas.

How I'm feeling: Feeling pretty nauseous these days and super tired/drained. Feeling worse later in the days and at night. Definitely feel the best in the mornings. Dry skin.

Appetite: Still no cravings just yet. Nothing at all sounds good to eat now! I make Tyler choose what we have for dinner constantly because I feel like anything could make me sick. 

Baby: Our little sweet pea is the size of a sweet pea this week!

7 Weeks-

This week I came down with a terrible, terrible virus! It was still so early in the pregnancy that I couldn't get an antibiotic or anything so I just had to let it run its course. I tried everything that was safe to try during pregnancy: throat lozenges, nasal spray, chloroseptic spray, etc. Nothing really seemed to help.

How I'm feeling: Still feeling nauseous, tired and drained. It has gotten a little worse than last week, especially with the virus. Also still feeling sick later in the days and evenings. Feeling really fun!

Appetite: Still no cravings to report and still having a hard time finding things that I can eat.

Baby: Baby is the size of a blueberry this week!

Side note: Pregnancy hunger is for real and not like normal hunger! I decided I wanted Zoe's the other day for lunch-I drove around the parking lot for a few minutes and didn't find anywhere to park. I decided to call my order in so I didn't have to wait once I found a spot and made it in. So I called, parked, got my food and walked back to the car. Before I drove home I had to open the box and eat a bite! No joke, I was that hungry!

5 Weeks-Myrtle Beach Trip

At the 5 week mark we were headed to Myrtle Beach for a long weekend! This was a very relaxing and fun trip, even though I had just found out I was pregnant and my mind was racing with all kinds of different things-can I eat this? can I do that? is it safe to..? All the normal(I hope they are normal) thoughts that run through a newly pregnant ladies head.

This is the first time I felt really nauseous-we were getting ready to go to bed and I felt so sick! I couldn't even fall asleep. Tyler walked down to the bar and got me a ginger ale and crackers-so begins my love of ginger ale in the first trimester!

Daddy to be! We went for a run each morning on the beach! It was beautiful!

How I'm feeling: Some nausea, appetite is starting to change, tired but still able to stay pretty active

Appetite: Starting to change a bit due to nausea I believe. Nothing really sounds good to eat, still no cravings.  

Baby: Size of a sesame seed

Pregnancy Journey Begins (4.5 weeks) July 23, 2013

Pre-pregnancy, I thought I would blog about pregnancy and give updates so my friends and family that don't live around here could follow along...well it's been 15 weeks...and here I am starting my first pregnancy post. Luckily I wrote a few notes down each week about how I was feeling at that time. Not sure where this will take me, or how (un)original it will be, I just wanted something to look back on in the here goes...without further adieu...pregnancy from the beginning:

On July 22 I was feeling a little "off" I would say. Just not 100% like myself. I told Tyler and I'm not sure he really thought I was serious. Little did we know, it was the last day our lives would really be the same! The next morning I decided to take a pregnancy test. I woke up really early that day and took it as soon as I woke up (impatient much?). Well there was no mistaking those two pink lines-I instantly ran into the bedroom to wake Tyler up-turned on the light and told him I had something to show him. I'm not sure if he was in shock or still half asleep because it took a few seconds for him to process. At any rate we are super exciting to be welcoming out first baby into our family around March 29, 2014! We are so thankful for this wonderful blessing and can't wait for everything that comes along with being parents!

How I knew: Major tenderness in breasts and dizziness (which only happened one time); the dizziness threw me off because I never get a dizzy feeling on a normal basis...this was on July 22-I took the test the very next morning.

How many tests: It seems like most of my friends/family I have talked to took multiple tests, for some reason I didn't feel the need. Possibly because those two little pink lines showed up before I could even process what I was doing.

How I'm feeling: Besides anxious and excited and the symptoms mentioned above, I didn't have a lot of symptoms this week. I was feeling a little nauseous every once and a while. Sleeping great still. Definitely get more and more tired as the day progresses.

Appetite: Still pretty normal. No cravings just yet.

Baby: Size of a poppy seed