Here we are for Part I of my Beauty Series! Part I will cover foundations, bronzing powder and cheek color. Before we even start with application you have to find your perfect match.
- Finding your perfect Match!
Favorite Foundation! |
Samples can be your absolute best friend! Always always sample, just because it looks like a match doesn't mean it is. It is good to play around with different colors to make sure you have a winner! Not only is it important to find a color match, it is just as important to find something that goes well with your skin type. I have pretty regular skin that can sometimes be on the dry side. I like a lightweight foundation that has medium coverage and goes on smoothly. I do not like the feeling of a heavy thick foundation on my skin!
It is always important to start with a clean slate! Finding a great cleanser and moisturizer is absolutely essential. Did you know that a main cause for wrinkles is lack of moisture? SAY WHAT?? You better believe I moisturize my skin twice a day!
A clean moisturized fave is like a blank canvas for makeup!
Here are some of my fave products I wrote about recently. You can find my favorite cleanser and moisturizers there.
MK Mineral Powder |
a. Primer-can not express to you my love for primer. It helps your foundation go on so very smoothly! A little goes a long way here. I am also convinced that it makes my foundation last longer because it goes on so smoothly I am never re-coating!
b. Product-Like I said before make sure you have your perfect match! Something that works well with your skin. Tip: make sure to start at the center of your face and work your way out, making sure you are always keeping your brush in a downward motion.
c. Powder-I love to top my foundation with a light powder. It seems to seal everything together and give you a smooth finish.
I love trying different things and I believe that most people have to try and see what works best for them. A few things I found that work great for me and my skin type are a bronzing powder, a pink toned cheek color and a highlighter. These days with most things being mineral related, I have learned to interchange things. For example my "highlighter" is actually an eye color. Yep, it is meant to be eye shadow but I have found that it works great to highlight different areas. I use it right above the area I apply my cheek color, right above the center part of my lip and straight down my nose.
**Here is a list of what I use:
Mary Kay Timewise Luminous Wear Foundation Ivory 7 ($20)
Mary Kay Mineral Powder Foundation Ivory 2 ($18)
Mary Kay Mineral Bronzing Powder in Desert Sun ($12)
Mary Kay Mineral Cheek Color in Shy Blush ($10)