Wednesday, April 2, 2014

40 Weeks 4 Days

Today I am 40 weeks and 4 days! I really cannot believe we are still going! Baby girl is just comfy in there I guess. I am hanging in there pretty well and feeling pretty good for 9+ months pregnant! I of course have the normal pregnancy aches and pains, but overall doing fine.

We had our 40 week appointment yesterday and everything is still the same. Ellis is head down and engaged, but nothing has changed. So we wait! At least we do know there is an end in sight! If we do not have her by Sunday, we will induce and have our baby in our arms by Monday, April 7th. April 7th will be 41 weeks and 2 days! Holy cow, that is a long time to be pregnant! The doctor also said that she will be over 8lbs! I'm not surprised because it feels like she has gotten pretty big. We are going back on Friday for one more check before the induction on Sunday, unless she comes before. Fingers crossed!

40 Weeks 3 Days

Monday, March 31, 2014


40 weeks and 2 days today! Cannot believe we have made it to and now passed the due date! I thought for sure this baby was coming early when I was feeling pretty bad around weeks 32-35. Since weeks 36/37 I have felt fine and apparently so has Ellis because she isn't budging!
At our 38 week appointment we had a small scare because my blood pressure was slightly elevated. We were told to come back in a few days (instead of the next week like normal) to check everything again and possibly be induced if my bp was high. They sent us over to labor and delivery to run some tests and monitor my blood pressure for a few hours. Turns out everything was perfectly fine-doctor said we couldn't look any better! So we were sent home to wait! Two weeks later and we are still waiting! She will come when she is ready I guess.
I wasn't sure if I would get the opportunity to post nursery pics before she came, but now I am just trying to stay busy each day! So here you go:

The nightstand is from my grandmother's house! Love having this piece in her room!


These pictures are amazing! I love the detail they bring to her room!
Here is a close up:
I found these prints on Etsy the shop is called The Gingham Owl. These prints were prefect for the nursery and I received them just a few days after my order! Great service, I would definitely recommend.

Now we just need the baby! Come on Ellis, we are ready to meet you!
Pregnancy/Baby Update:
Baby is the size of a watermelon or jackfruit this week and weighs between 6 and 9 lbs! She has measured exactly on track the entire time, so I imagine she weighs around 7-7.5 lbs right now. We have our 40 week appointment tomorrow. We will get a guess on how big she is from the doctor. I am sleeping better than I was a few weeks ago, which is great! Of course I wake up a million times a night, but am sleeping really well in between. Still counting down! Can't wait to meet our baby girl!

Rug and Glider:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

37 Weeks

Yesterday we had our 37 week checkup with the doctor. Everything is still looking great with baby girl! Her heart beat was in the 130's, head is down, but she not budging! I have felt pretty good the past two weeks. I had a few weeks around 33-35 where I was extremely uncomfortable and I thought for sure she was going to come early. Now I have been feeling good and don't really feel like she is going to come anytime soon. The doctor said she doesn't see any action happening before week 40 so it looks like we will be holding out a little longer! 17 days til due date!

Two weekends ago we went to piedmont park and ate lunch and walked around and just hung out for the day because it was so beautiful outside! Here are some pics-

36 Weeks

Monday, March 10, 2014

New Nail Polish

I have definitely been on a blog hiatus lately, not posting in quite some time. We have had a lot going on at the Dunaway home from the pregnancy to a career change for me and most recently having to put our sweet girl Macy down. My heart still aches for our precious dog we had for almost 10 years, but that is a story for another day.

I wanted to ease back into my blogging world with a fun find that I got over the weekend. I am always looking for a fun nail color-you can never have enough choices in my opinion. I noticed recently that Bed Bath & Beyond has a huge selection of Essie which I am basically obsessed with. I decided to go yesterday and look for a fun spring pink.  I found one from Essie that I got, but I also found an awesome color from Color Club called Jackie-Oh! This polish is awesome! It goes on so well and looks professional! I had to share with everyone!

Please excuse the swollen hands-being 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant does that to you!

This little bottle was $2.99 at Bed Bath and Beyond! Totally worth it and will definitely be trying more colors soon!