Monday, October 7, 2013

Pregnancy: 6 and 7 weeks

6 Weeks-

We were headed to Huntsville this weekend for Tyler's 10 year high school reunion. So we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to tell his parents! It was so much fun telling them and seeing how excited they were to become grandparents! We were also celebrating my mother in law's birthday because we didn't see her on her actual birthday. We wrote in the card: "Happy Birthday Granna, can't wait to meet you and G-daddy in April 2014!! Love, Baby Dunaway" They were beyond thrilled!

At 6 weeks, hands and feet are beginning to emerge from the developing arms and legs. Eyelid folds are partially covering the eyes and baby now has an appendix and a pancreas.

How I'm feeling: Feeling pretty nauseous these days and super tired/drained. Feeling worse later in the days and at night. Definitely feel the best in the mornings. Dry skin.

Appetite: Still no cravings just yet. Nothing at all sounds good to eat now! I make Tyler choose what we have for dinner constantly because I feel like anything could make me sick. 

Baby: Our little sweet pea is the size of a sweet pea this week!

7 Weeks-

This week I came down with a terrible, terrible virus! It was still so early in the pregnancy that I couldn't get an antibiotic or anything so I just had to let it run its course. I tried everything that was safe to try during pregnancy: throat lozenges, nasal spray, chloroseptic spray, etc. Nothing really seemed to help.

How I'm feeling: Still feeling nauseous, tired and drained. It has gotten a little worse than last week, especially with the virus. Also still feeling sick later in the days and evenings. Feeling really fun!

Appetite: Still no cravings to report and still having a hard time finding things that I can eat.

Baby: Baby is the size of a blueberry this week!

Side note: Pregnancy hunger is for real and not like normal hunger! I decided I wanted Zoe's the other day for lunch-I drove around the parking lot for a few minutes and didn't find anywhere to park. I decided to call my order in so I didn't have to wait once I found a spot and made it in. So I called, parked, got my food and walked back to the car. Before I drove home I had to open the box and eat a bite! No joke, I was that hungry!

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