Monday, October 7, 2013

8 Weeks-First Doctor's Appointment

August 17: the 8 week mark

Our first Doctor's appointment was scheduled for August 22, this felt like waiting an eternity even though it was only about 4 weeks from when we found out. The first appointment was absolutely amazing! We got to hear our little blessing's heart beat and it was truly one of the best things I have ever heard in my life! It was nothing short of amazing! We were 8 weeks and 5 days at the appointment and found out the due date.

How I'm feeling: Still feeling nauseous, lost my voice from the virus(which is still going strong), very low energy level and tired a lot!

Still no cravings and still making Tyler choose dinner...nothing sounds good still! Especially not grilled chicken, which used to be a staple in out home! The few things that sounded good...
1. Homemade Granola with fruit and yogurt
2. Chocolate Milk
3. Fried Zucchini
4. My favorite candy

Baby: Baby is the size of a raspberry this week!


  1. Anne, all I could drink during my pregnancy was chocolate milk! Mr Dooley actually stocked that and watermelon for me every time we came to Mobile, ha! Hope you're feeling better now!

  2. Awww, how sweet! I have been obsessed with chocolate milk basically the entire time! I am feeling much better now and able to eat pretty much whatever-not sure if that's a good thing!
